privacy policy

Handling of personal information on this website

This website, operated and managed by HEREU JAPAN Official Online Store (hereinafter referred to as "our company"), strives to protect your personal information so that you can enjoy online shopping with peace of mind.Our company collects, uses, and manages your personal information (name, address, email address, order details, and other information that can identify you) collected on this website in accordance with the following rules.

Collection of personal information

When you use this website, we may collect your name, email address, address, telephone number, credit card number and expiration date, as well as other necessary information related to you.

Purpose of use of personal information

We use personal information collected from customers for the following purposes.

  • To confirm orders on this website, ship products, collect payments, provide related after-sales service, and provide information about new products and services.

Provision or Entrustment of Personal Information

We will not disclose or provide personal information collected from customers to third parties, except in the following cases:

  • When prior consent or approval has been obtained from the customer
  • When entrusting the handling of personal information to a company (contracted business company) that has concluded a confidentiality agreement regarding personal information, within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use clearly stated to the customer
  • In addition, when disclosure of information is requested by a public institution based on laws and regulations, or when personal information is disclosed within the scope of the law from the perspective of protecting our rights, property, and customers.


In order to provide our customers with a more comfortable online shopping experience, we send data called cookies that identify the computer you are using and store it on your computer. Please note that cookies do not identify individual customers.
In addition, you can refuse to receive cookies sent from this site by changing the settings of your internet viewing software (browser). Please note that doing so may prevent you from using the services on this site properly.

Links to other sites

Links on this website are outside the scope of our responsibility, and we do not guarantee the content or safety of linked sites. Use of linked sites is subject to the privacy policy set by the linked site.

About SSL

On our website, we pay close attention to security, and when entering information required for credit card payments, such as credit card numbers, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology to encrypt the information in order to prevent it from being intercepted or interfered with. Contact point for inquiries regarding personal information If you have any questions about personal information or would like to disclose, correct, add, or delete personal information that applies to you, please contact us using the inquiry form.